Planned Operations Changes 4/10 – 4/15

Hello! The operator of WJON IP Radio will be going on vacation next week (April 10th to 15th). Due to this operator unavailability, a few changes will occur with alert processing and monitoring

  1. iPAWS monitoring will continue as normal
  2. Non-local WX alerts will not be monitored for- we will not be chasing alerts next week
  3. In addition, monitors will be adjusted to monitor for the location Jon is going for vacation (South Carolina)
  4. WX CAP will be adjusted for the county Jon is going to
  5. Stream adjustments/updates/modifications will not occur until the following Saturday (16th)

I know this may sound like a bummer for your alert monitoring, but I am on vacation and I do not want to be reminded every 15 minutes to change monitors and/or monitor others

The status page will still be updated in the event of operation changes

We appreciate your patience and cooperation with this operations change!

  • Jon