We are proud to announce the introduction of our new CAP service. As you may have noticed, more broadcast station issued Administrative Messages are being issued. This is because of our new CAP service that makes it much easier to issue alerts over our network.
How does this system work?
- Alerts that meet criteria are gathered through official sources
- This may include official twitter feeds, Everbridge alerts, and other services that come from official sources
- Determine which counties and areas are affected
- Compose alert over an XML document (or use automation systems)
- Add audio file (if needed)
- Create effective and expiration times
- Send/upload the file to the feeds (listed below)
- Alert is sent over WJON IP
WARNING – The CAP servers on this network are NOT official. Unofficial and spam alerts may occur in these feeds. Monitor with care…
ERN: Please contact us if you need access to relay from the CAP system.