WJON IP Radio Files
WJON IP Radio is not an official radio station, nor is controlled by any corporation. This is a hobby station, and we attempt to give our listeners the best listening experience possible, while providing emergency information whenever possible. While we use decommissioned and out of service units, we strive to use these units responsively and properly, and only allowing certain users/individuals access and control over these units.
We do not affiliate with any other stations, nor are we trying to be like any actual stations. The actions of this station should not and will not reflect on any other actual AM/FM stations. Any references to actual stations from this website and station are purely coincidental.
We are not an official station. We do not plan on becoming an official station. We do not transmit over ANY AM/FM/WX/CB frequencies, and do not plan on doing such. Our CAP server is 100% local hosted and does not interfere with FEMA/iPAWS operations.
We hope you enjoy listening to our station! For more information, see links below, and don’t hesitate to contact us!
Privacy Policy: We don’t use your data, we don’t need your data. For information on third party add-ons such as twitter embeds, please see their websites. When submitting data through Discord, we do not collect any sort of data, except for any data put into the fields. Please refrain from submitting personal information.
Terms of Service: Don’t do dumb stuff. By using this service, you agree to treat all WJON IP Radio systems with respect. Do not attempt to hack, exploit, or otherwise disrupt the systems of WJON IP Radio. Violations of this will noted, and further action, including deletion and reporting to local authorities may be necessary.
Icecast Privacy Policy: The Icecast server collects IP addresses for all users that connect to streams. This IP is not used to track you. Abuse or exploitation of the Icecast server may result in a kick from streams or being blacklisted from our services. Additionally, your IP may be used to move you to another stream, should a stream be sent off the air or requires maintenance.

Twitter Disclaimer
The WJON IP Twitter page posts automated sent logs from the WJON IP SAGE Digital ENDEC EAS logger. These logs are automatic, and sometimes do not have extra information, such as in the event of civil emergencies, AMBER Alerts, and evacuation notices. While we try and post extra information about these alerts, these posts can not be updated around the clock.
Additionally, please note the following:
-> The Twitter feed is not monitored 24/7
-> The Twitter feed may not always be up to date
-> Do not use the Twitter feed as an official source of information; information posted on the WJON IP Radio Twitter is generally NOT screened for up to date accuracy. Always seek local sources for emergency information
-> Loggers are posted in the Eastern Time Zone (New York) – it DOES NOT update for your local time zone
-> There may be delays between alert issuance and posting on this account
-> Some platforms have a character limit. Some alert information could be cut off by this limit